Superintendent's Welcome
Dear River Forest Residents,
Welcome to the River Forest School District 90! I am deeply honored to be a part of this school community. District 90 is such a warm and inviting community that provides a nurturing environment for children to learn and develop in their own unique ways.
The District's mission is to inspire a love of learning and ensure educational excellence for every child. We have a long tradition of excellence in River Forest, and our Board members, administrators, teachers, and staff pursue this objective with commitment and dedication.
District 90 is committed to providing a high-quality and equitable education to ALL students as well as delivering a rigorous and robust curriculum in every classroom every day. Guiding all our work is our five-year Strategic Plan. As Superintendent, I also have several personal goals that dovetail with the Strategic Plan and will guide my work:
- To continue to support and implement programs and curricula focused on the development of the whole child. To support student achievement, we must focus on children as individuals and tailor our instructional and social-emotional development efforts to the strengths of each learner.
- To foster open, transparent communication. We keep the community informed through a variety of channels: our website, twice-monthly highlights of School Board meetings, a monthly e-newsletter, and bi-monthly community information brochure mailed to each residence. I also hold Open Office Hours from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. on the days of regularly scheduled Board meetings. Please drop by to talk about any District-related issue.
- To work collaboratively with the faculty and administration to continue to build on our foundation of academic excellence. While our schools are well known for nurturing high-achieving students, we won't rest on our laurels. We constantly strive to find new ways to engage and challenge both our students as learners and ourselves as educators.
- To maintain financial stability and remain good stewards of the taxpayers’ investment. At a time when many schools in the state are struggling financially, we value the strong support the community gives our schools. I am committed to maintaining the District's high standards for financial reporting and accountability.
I look forward to personally meeting as many of our parents and students as possible throughout the year. My door is always open.
Edward J. Condon, Ph.D.